You might remember Mason McNulty from the hit series “Schooled”. Recently, this talented young actor is changing things up with a new film in which he not only stars but also produces. I was lucky enough to interview Mason about this upcoming film as well as his new role of producer.
Thank you for the interview! Tell us about your upcoming film “Gacy”.
Thank you for having me. “Gacy: Terror in Suburbia” is a story about “What if the Devil moved across the street!” Loosely based on John Wayne Gacy, through the eyes of a teenage boy Bobby which is who I play.
What made you decide to do a film about John Wayne Gacy?
My family and I have always been interested in crimes from the past. We listen to podcasts, watch documentaries and movies based on these people. John Wayne Gacy was interesting because of the way he got away with the crimes for so long.
You are also a producer on this film. What did that entail?
Since I was young, I have always wanted to work not only in front of the camera but behind the camera. The opportunity came up for this script and with the help and support of my family they helped make my dreams come true.

Was it difficult balancing your duties as a producer with your job of the lead in the film?
It really was not difficult balancing my duties as a producer and an actor. When I was not in front of the camera, I was behind the scenes running things from the sides. It was very interesting to me to watch the process. Which I truly enjoyed a lot.
What made you decide to start producing your own content?
I have always wanted to start producing my own content. When I was younger and was working on set, I would watch everyone and everything. Then when I met Michael Feifer (Director of a couple of movies I have done, “12 Pups of Christmas” and “Catch the Bullet”) he was a real inspiration to me to become a film maker. Michael has taught me a lot so far and I am learning so much more with other projects.
When is this film expected to be released?
I do not have an exact time the film should be released but it should be very soon. You can follow the updates of the film on Instagram at @gacyterrorinsuburbiamovie

Do you have any upcoming films planned for 2023?
Yes, we just finished filming a movie called “My Father’s Fiancé”. I am also in talks with some other projects as well.
If you could star in a film with anyone — alive or dead — who would it be and why?
I would love to star in a film with Robin Williams. The reason is what I have seen of him is he seems like a kind gentle soul, extremely knowledgeable and super funny. I feel I could learn a lot from him.
Where can we follow you on social media?
You can follow me at IG @mason.mcnulty Tik Tok @masonbyson