Olive O’Connell, a multi-talented young performer, discusses her journey from competitive dance to a burgeoning career in acting, singing, and hosting. She emphasizes the importance of hard work, constructive criticism, and kindness, citing influences like her mother and industry mentors. O’Connell reveals her passion for interviewing, sharing a memorable moment with Kerri Kasem, and dreams of interviewing Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, or Sabrina Carpenter. She dispels the misconception that talent alone guarantees success, highlighting the crucial role of networking and a strong support system. Looking ahead, O’Connell aims for series regular roles, a music career, and envisions herself performing and interviewing at the Grammys, with a clear ambition to become a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.

Photo Credit: Doreen Stone
Olive, thank you for taking the time to chat. You’re quite the accomplished young woman! Let’s dive in. You’ve excelled in competitive dance from a young age. What sparked your initial passion for dance, and how has it evolved over the years?
- When I started dancing at the age of 5 It was just for fun but then I started watching older girls dance and realized I can be just as good as them, so from then on, I started working harder than ever!
Beyond dance, you’re also making waves as an actor, singer, and host. How do you balance these diverse artistic pursuits, and do you have a favorite among them?
- I would say acting, singing, and hosting all are alike in some way. For example, with hosting it helps me to be able to sing in front of a crowd. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite among them just different interest in each.
Interviewing celebrities on the red carpet must be thrilling. Can you share a particularly memorable or insightful interview experience you’ve had?
- One of my favorite moments was when I was interviewing Kerri Kasem, I asked her “What’s one piece of advice you take from your dad everywhere you go?” She replied, “Kindness is the most important thing” I couldn’t agree more, I also believe that “Love and Kindness always wins in thPhoto from Personal Collection

Photo from Personal Collection
What are some of the key lessons you’ve learned from interacting with established professionals in the entertainment industry?
- I’ve learned to take constructive criticism from my teachers in the industry – like Guy Groove, Kelly Sweeney and Lacey Schwimmer. Constructive criticism is so important – it makes you grow.
Who is your dream interview?
- Gosh…. This is a hard question! I would probably say Adam Sandler or Jennifer Aniston. They are both such iconic and funny actors. For a singer probably Sabrina Carpenter – not only do I love her music, but I also love her dry sense of humor!
What are some of the biggest misconceptions people have about being a young performer?
- I would say the biggest misconception is that “it’s all about talent”! Even though talent plays a huge role in being a young performer, it’s also a lot of hard work and networking. I would say your support system is really important too.

Photo from Personal Collection
What are some of the biggest influences in your life, both personally and professionally?
- The biggest influence in my life personally is my mom. My mom is the hardest working and most responsible person I know. She’s taught me “Whenever you start something you have to finish it to your fullest potential.” As far as professional influences, I would say all of my coaches and my mentors have impacted me in some great and positive ways.
What are your short-term and long-term goals within the entertainment industry? Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?
- To be honest I don’t really have short term goals, but I definitely have some long-term goals: I would like to be a series regular on a show, maybe like Gilmore Girls, or even become a Disney kid. Then I want to make it big in the singing world – I have hopes of performing at the Grammys; and while I’m at it I could interview on the Grammys Red Carpet too! Within 5 years or less I see myself on a Disney or Nickelodeon TV show, in 10 years probably on tour performing.
Where can we follow you on social media?