Julia Culbert is Getting Personal in New Single

Diane W Kelly
6 Min Read

Julia Culbert is laying it all on the line in her latest music release. The highly personal song, “When No One’s Looking” is an original about her time in the Troubled Teen Industry. The song is set to stream on all platforms June 30th. I was able to interview Julia about “When No One’s Looking” as well as her plans for more music.

You have a brand new single coming out June 30th. Tell us about the song.

“When No One’s Looking” is a song about how I felt during my time in the Troubled Teen Industry. It speaks about how much people in positions of authority can get away with when no one is there to hold them accountable for their actions. The abuse ranged from not being able to speak, read, or write for periods of time, to being locked in a basement for weeks on end, being forced to sleep on couches or the floor, being stripped naked in front of strangers, and being denied hospital and ambulance access during multiple medical emergencies. Slowly, through incredible work done by Paris Hilton and the organization Breaking Code Silence, more and more of these programs are being shut down, but still nothing is done to hold the staff and owners of these programs accountable. Kids across the US are left with lifelong trauma and nothing to do about it. I wrote this song to give a voice to those who aren’t comfortable speaking up about the abuse they endured. I want to let those who abused us know that we have a voice, we will always know what they did, and something will be done about it.  

What inspired you to write the single?

I wanted to write a song for the friends that I’ve lost to the Troubled Teen Industry. They passed away and they were never able to speak up for all the abuse that we went through, and I wanted to be able to give them that voice.

How cathartic was writing this single about your time in the Troubled Teen Industry?

It was definitely very cathartic being able to give a voice to all the emotions that I felt about the abuse I endured in the Troubled Teen Industry. It’s not often that you’re given the opportunity in life to stand up and speak out against something that caused so much pain for so many years, so I’m really grateful that I was able to find my voice and get my story out, not only through this song but through my upcoming documentary. 

This single will be included in your documentary film Monarch. Did you always have plans to write a song for the documentary?

Yes, I definitely wanted to write a song for my film, and I’m honestly hoping to write more than one. The subject is so personal, I think it would be really powerful to include songs that are just as personal.

This is your second collaboration with Justin Tinucci. How does he compliment your writing and singing style?

Justin is really incredible to work with because he really works hard to understand and bring to life your vision for a song. I write the lyrics and melody and explain to Justin the direction I want to go in with the song, and he just knows exactly what instruments need to be added to bring it all together. 

Do you think it is important for a performer to hone their craft in front of a live audience?

Absolutely! I think one of the most powerful aspects of music is the connections it can create, and the best way to foster those connections is through live performance. Recently, I did a performance at The Mint in LA and it was such an amazing experience. I’m definitely looking forward to doing more live performances this fall. 

Do you have any live performances coming up?

I’ll definitely be doing several this fall as I release more music.

Fun Question– If you could sing with anyone who would it be and why?

I’d love to sing with Noah Kahan. I really adore his music- he’s such a raw talent and an incredibly hardworking artist. 

Any upcoming releases you can share?

I’m looking forward to releasing 3 more songs this year to complete my E.P. 

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